jueves, octubre 19, 2006

Momentos BORAT

Momento Borat 1: STDs

Doctor: How did you get the gonorrhea?

Borat: From a make uh...sexy-time. I have had the gonorrhea many times, ladies very much like a Borat, hi five!
I have also had other disease in this area.

Doctor: Do you know what they were?

Borat: I once catch a herpes from my sister.

Doctor: That means you had sexual relations with your sister.

Borat: Yes.

Doctor: Is that usual in your country?

Borat: Only on the feast of Zurich (?)

Doctor: Did you have sexual relations with any other family members?

Borat: No, I am not sick.

Momento Borat 2: Cheese.

(no necesita transcripción)

1 comentario:

Chemical Blogger dijo...

cada vez tengomás ganas de verla...préstamela fran si la tienes...porfavor..jajaj...